My coteacher and I decided to sign up for some classes at a gym just a couple blocks down, and our first class we attended was a Spinning class. This is not your normal spin class.
Instead of adjusting the tension level on your bike, your butt is off the seat basically the entire time. We would do some sort of choreographed biking that includes butt slapping, chin grabbing (like Psy), and snapping, with our butts off the seat, then we would rest for less than a minute, sip some water, then get back to it. To make it even better, there are flashing lights and a disco ball to keep you feeling motivated. I almost felt like a K-pop star. Remixed K-pop music is blasting in your ears and we borrow some moves the from the music videos in our choreographed spinning.
It wasn't the workout I was expecting, but I definitely sweat a lot, and am totally going back.