Tuesday, October 4, 2011

First Day of School: Cooking Day

I decided to visit my school, Inje English Village, the next day. It's about a 5 minute walk from my apartment. Fridays are cooking days so I think everything was a little more relaxed than normal. The first class was all boys, about eight years old, and they were terrifying. We played a fun little game called "ask new teacher questions". At one point, all nine boys were crawling on the desk literally yelling questions in my face. The next classes weren't as bad, but I could tell there were going to be a lot of troublemakers, and I am not one that is good with discipline. For myself and for others. Also, the kids call me "Arazue Teacher" which I think is super cute because it sounds more like "Ar-joo Teacha".

Today I also met my two other coworkers, Fathima and Jonlyn (both girls from South Africa). Fathima will be leaving in December, her replacement is an Irish guy. Andrew is leaving in the middle of November and I am his replacement. And Jonlyn isn't leaving until April, so at least I have her around for a while. The teachers of Inje English Village (including myself) make up four of the nine foreigners in Inje.

The Inje English Village is a 'hagwon'. If I understand correctly, a hagwon is like a private academy, and in our school it's an after school program where the kids come after their regular school. In our hagwon there are only foreign teachers, whereas in a public school there is a foreign teacher and a native teacher in the classroom together. I think that our class room sizes are smaller too.

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