Monday, March 5, 2012


I love cheese. Like a lot. Sometimes my love for cheese can be mistaken for an obsession. Unfortunately, real cheese is impossible to come by in Inje. It's a crime. You would have to go to one of the bigger cities an hour away to get anything close to real cheese. The only thing we have in Inje is something similar to Kraft Singles. Yuck. However, one of my coteachers, Aubyn has a membership to the Cosco in Seoul where they have real cheese, and she was kind enough to purchase extra blocks for me and some other teachers in Inje.

Thank you Aubyn!
This is heaven in a 2 pound block. I am so excited. Real cheese is one of those little things in life that you really forget to appreciate, until you have no access to it living out in the boonies. Nomnomnom.

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