Wednesday, November 9, 2011


After almost 2 months of no income, I finally got paid! It is probably the largest amount I have ever been paid, and it included my first month of pay, my stipend upon entrance, AND my reimbursement for my plane ticket over here so it was amazing to see that many numbers in my account, especially in Korean won it seems like a lot.

In honor of getting paid, I have a special song to commemorate this joyous day:

So friends, what should I splurge on first with my first Korean paycheck?

On a side note, besides the fact that I got paid, this week has been going amazingly well. I think I'm really getting the hang of this teaching thing. This 4 year old boy who is probably too young to even be in our school said his first English words in front of me! "Pizza" and "cheese".


  1. "You know what I would do? I would invest half of it in low risk mutual funds and then take the other half over to my friend Asadulah who works in securities..."

    - Office Space


  2. I had NO CLUE you had a blog or I would have jumped on that wayyyyyyy sooooonnnneeerrrrr!! I am going to stalk this blog like I stalk sexy Korean men! I'm so thrilled that you're in Korea and livig my dream till I get there!!! Keep em' coming Arazue! :)

  3. Go out and enjoy some bulgogi, kimchi, and sake!
